- About.com: Christianity - Articles and commentary on life, art, history, culture from a Christian perspective. Some very good links.
- Active Spidering Christian Search Engine - Database and search engine for churches, Christian news, and other Christian sites.
- Agape Christian Search and Directory - Features a variety of manually-reviewed and selected Christian web sites and resources.
- Ang Dating Daan Webring - Links to sites and resources connected with the Ang Dating Daan movement.
- The Best Christian Links (TBCL) - Christian and family-friendly websites.
- Bible Study Notes - Spanish/English Christian directory, offers email, chat room, and forum.
- BiblePath - A Christian portal which focuses on Bible study, interactive questions and answers from a Biblical perspective, live voice chat, and links to other interesting Christian sites.
- BlackChristian.com (Monastereo) - Online community portal for African-American Christians. Features Black churches, ministers, musicians, scriptures, message boards and e-mail.
- Charismatic Central - Portal with a directory of ministries, churches, and Christian organizations. Charismatic, Pentecostal, and Word of Faith links. Includes a forum and chat.
- Christ Notes - Bible search in many translations with Bible study tools and Bible commentary. Includes a daily Bible verse and Christian wallpaper.
- Christian Business and Information Directory - Directory of Christian sites worldwide.
- 711 Christian Internet Directory - A directory of Christian and secular sites in 711 categories.
- The Christian Internet Directory - Christian businesses, churches, ministries, and entertainment listed in alphabetical order within each topic.
- Christian Top 1000.com - List Christian sites in order by the number of hits the site has had in the past 24 hours.
- ChristianityToday.com - Contains the full text of Christianity Today's 13 magazines, top religion news, reviews, and two search engines with links to thousands of Christian web sites.
- Christianlinks - A family-safe directory to find websites on churches, ministries, missionaries, music, radio, TV, sports, fitness, and just general interest.
- ChristianPortals - A directory and community resource for creators and observers of Christian search engines, portals and directories.
- Christians Unite.com - Categories such as family, kids, graphics, and shopping. Articles, anecdotes, and sermons. Offers a link exchange.
- ChristSites - Category-based list of Christian resources.
- Church2000 - Guide to hundreds of thousands of churches and other Christian resources.
- ChurchFolk.com - An interactive website for the Christian community, providing an extensive African-American church and school directory, Christian education, Gospel entertainment, kids section, Bible lessons and programs, and discussion area.
- CrossDaily - Features an extensive Christian web directory. Includes news, mailing lists, cartoons, Bible trivia, devotionals, and shopping.
- The CrossFactor Network - Dedicated Christian internet directory and portal with multiple categories and a search utility. Advertising, web hosting, and site design services.
- Crosshome - Features chat, devotionals, free e-mail, music, shopping and news.
- CrossSearch Christian Links - Extensive on-line directory that is actively maintained by Gospel Films, Inc.
- Crosswalk.com - Christian portal with Bible study tools, daily devotional, music reviews, forums for conservative evangelicals, articles on family life.
- Cybergrace Christian Network - Collection of links to Christian content. Offers an affiliate program for webmasters.
- CyberXian - Christian community with best of Christian web guide, latest news, discussions and forums, Christian film and games, and postmodern resources.
- EverythingChristian - Contains top news stories as well as a rich directory of many Christian sites.
- FaithStart - Guide to the best Christian and secular web sites. Covers news, stocks, movies, sports, music, hobbies, travel, plus Christian magazines and organizations, and many faith issues.
- FaithTree.com - Customizable portal with Christian content, offering many content channels and a metasearch engine that searches the Bible, search engines, and Christian directories.
- The Good News.org - Selection of information and resources sponsored by the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention..
- Gospel Communications Network - More than 150 Christian groups working together to evangelize and build up the body of believers online. Including Youth for Christ, Back to the Bible, International Bible Society.
- Hear the Word - Christian audio sermons, Bible studies, and radio programs.
- HIS-Net Christian Network - A good directory of Christian links that feature families, ministries, and Bible studies.
- Home with God Christian Resources - A Christian search engine and directory featuring free web space, email, and forums.
- JesusJournal.com - A Christian portal with news, featured articles, a directory, a poll, and greeting cards.
- JesusLinks.net - General directory of Christian sites. Filter by popularity and date added.
- LightLinks2000 - Directory of sites on a variety of Christian topics. Includes site reviews and links to the webmaster.
- No-Nonsense Christian Links - Links for Christians. Most of the links are for Christian content such as creation, missions, and cults. Some are for more general topics such as health.
- OCIH - The Organization of Christians with Internet Home Pages.
- Pastor's Pointers Religious Links - Link directory divided by category -- seminaries, religious resources, denominations, and religious news.
- Seek - A directory with both Christian and secular links.
- ServeHim.com - Topical directory of Christian web sites.
- Surf-in-the-Spirit - Categorized directory for Christian news, entertainment, information, and personal needs.
- Ultimate Christian Resources - An annotated directory of Christian sites. Allows users to add comments and rate the sites.
- The Way Christian Resource Centre - Has a safe-surfing browser, net shopping for Christian products, Christian singles centre and a UK church directory.
- Worldwide Churches - Search engine and database for churches, church schools, missions, ministries, and Christian businesses.
- Worthy Links - Large collection of Christian resources organized topically. Offers family-friendly search engine, email, articles, and prayer team.
In the United States • ACTS International Bible College in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Member of ACEA. • Advanced Institute of Ministry in San Francisco. AIM is a member of ACEA. • Advantage College in Sacramento, CA. International Pentecostal Holiness Church • Advocate Institute of Advocate Ministries in Birmingham, Alabama area. Member of ACEA. • All Nations Traning Center of Metro Christian Fellowship in Kansas City. ANTC offers the Transit School of Leadership, and the CPx church planting experience course. • All Saints Bible College Sponsored by the International Church of God in Christ (COGIC), with headquarters in Memphis, TN. • Alpha Bible College & Seminary "accredited Bible college through our affiliation with School of Bible Theology, San Jacinto, CA". • American Indian College Assemblies of God. • Assemblies of God Theological Seminary • Beulah Heights Bible College founded in 1918, the Southeast's oldest Bible College. In Atlanta, Georgia. • Bethany College ...