Destiny! Destiny! Destiny! , is a word that frequently comes to the mind of everyone alive when there is a need to unravel the mysteries surrounding our existence and the enigmas influencing some occurrences in our lives..
It is globally and widely acknowledged norms that whatever we become or strives to become could be said to have been pre-arranged, pre-ordained, pre-ordered, and pre-destined.
The supreme God to the Christian mind is acknowledged as being behind our destiny, while other religious and spiritual mind could acknowledge it to a foreseen force or order.
The purpose of this lecture today would be a continuation of the previous presentation titled “processing for destiny greatness” earlier discussed on this platform. This would necessitate a swift deduction of some inference from the last lecture about what we are expected to achieve from attending this lecture.
The desired purpose of these lectures is to further bring to our understanding the necessary accessories and ingredients for the actualization of our destiny greatness, having acquired the necessary knowledge about what destiny connotes from the last lecture.
I would briefly notes the definition of destiny here again for the sake of those unavailable at the first part of this lecture as follows:
i. The events that would necessarily happen to a particular person or thing
ii. A hidden power believed to control what will happen in the nearest future
iii. The Greek word "Moira" which also means "Fate" in the English Language is used for destiny according to the ancient myth.
iv. God's act in electing and predestining people and nations
We may infer from the definition of destiny above that destiny is a gift from birth, an events or occurrence you do not have an influence on but which you must process to fruition.
From the Christian and Scriptural assertion, one can conclude that God would never predestine someone for evil, but he would give you many options and your choice would determine the outcome of such pre-destine opportunities. Genesis 1:26-28.Daniel 1:3-21
Everyone wants to fulfill their desired destinies if known; some efforts and abilities must be employed in the processing and actualizing the said greatness in order to make their earthly existence worthwhile.
Some ingredients being a component part of some of the tools for processing destiny greatness must be obtained and available, ingredient in itself may not be alone without the other necessary components and tools discussed below. The tools for processing destiny greatness are not divisible from the ingredients for destiny greatness; in fact they complement each others.
For one ingredient to be valuable and appreciated all other component must be present, else a surplus of a singular ingredient would mar rather than make the desired result.
Some of the annotation below is necessary ingredients for destiny greatness to be actualized; they were listed as tools for processing destiny greatness in the first part of this lecturer.
Since they cannot be ignored as an essential component of the destiny greatness, I have thus decided to mention them again for the privilege of those not available then.
GOD: The place of God in discovering, actualizing and processing our destiny cannot be ignored and overlooked, being the creator of all being. No discuss about any ingredient for destiny greatness would suffice without a consolidated relationship with your God. Genesis 1:26-28, Jeremiah 1:5
Knowing and acknowledging God as your creator, His fore-knowledge ability, and your relationship with Him through worship would assist as an ingredient for destiny greatness.
1st Peter 1:2
FAMILY: The family is a crucial aspect of actualizing someone's destiny; the family could also be recognized as one of the essential tools available for processing our destiny greatness.
The sacrificial effort of a family member could go a long way as an ingredient for your destiny greatness; therefore their places in our life would always be significant whether progressive, digressive or regressive {nota bene} Job 1:5, Prov.22:6,
Having an educated, knowledgeable, sacrificial and willing family would assist you to actualize and process your destiny, especially if they are blessed with great fore-sight ability.
KNOWLEDGE: The place of knowledge to our existence cannot be ignored or overlooked as a life of ignorance tends to be destructive more than being constructive.
Any form of knowledge obtained, whether it is preconceived or acquired is necessary for our destiny greatness and having the knowledge alone is not sufficient but knowing how to use them adequately and appropriately.
Having an in-depth knowledge of yourself, knowing your biological make-up, family history, the name you bear, intense inner desire and interest for altruistic pursuit could enhance the processing of our destiny greatness. 1st chronicles 4:9,2nd Chronicle 1:10,
OBEDIENCE: All the afore-mentioned tools and strategies for processing your destiny greatness would be effective if you only are obedient to the cause and the quest for realizing it. Whosoever that is not obedient to all the above-stated tools and strategies may never achieve anything tangible, being obedient is the greatest virtue and companion to processing your destiny. Proverbs 1:4,
RELATIONSHIP: Having adequate smooth relationship with people around you is one of the ingredients for destiny greatness, understanding diverse expanse of people around you, acknowledging that we are unique and knowing how to relate with them based on their abilities, talents, background, experience, ages and religion would assist in our progressing toward destiny greatness.{Genesis 11:6, Genesis 18:24,Genesis 28:14,Mathew 4:24}
The list of the ingredient for destiny greatness is not going to be completed if you don’t have interest in corporations with those ingredients, proper and effective actualization of the desired result.
Discovery of more ingredient is probable as you progress ahead in life, having thoroughly understood, processed, maximized and effectively draw a positive result from the available tools.
It must be brought to our understanding that no singular ingredient would achieved a desired result in processing for your destiny greatness if all others are not allowed to function.
Searching yourself, acknowledging some of the ingredient listed above and being faithful to why you intend to know and desires destiny greatness may make or mar your purpose on earth.
Everyone created by God is for a purpose and with a distinct destiny; discovering and processing your discovered destiny is your responsibility.
Your greatness purpose in life for the actualization of your destiny is to know your purpose and when known it should be potent in assisting others to actualize their destiny greatness.
God, He must be acknowledged, known, worshiped obediently, for Him alone is capable of ordering, shaping and perfecting your destiny for permanent, glorious and perfected greatness. Isaiah 42:6-9